Sunday, 25 September 2011

Ghost Chair Makeover

I will be the first to admit I dreamt about having ghost chairs everywhere - vanity, kitchen table and office OFCOURSE not all together

I then walked through many homes and realized I was not alone - I love the lines of the chair and the airy transparent feel.

if you don't want to follow the masses change it up a bit -you can do many non-permanent details
Try adding a slip, patterned sticker or get a cushion made   


Monday, 19 September 2011

Loving the Lucite

Im in love!!

This is an amazing side table  for a bedroom on the smaller side - still functional but it portrays an airy feel

For couples sharing a room this is perfect - very feminine but the roped handles bring out the masculine side

You can find this at for $998

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Waking up with a smile...

I love waking up to you every morning photo is available at etsy for $15

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Missoni has finally landed on the target...but who was able to check out? was crashing and busy with all the Missoni traffic!!

Besides having beautiful clothing with the classic patterns I was shocked and excited to see they had kitchenware as well as home accesories

If you can get your hands on a few home decor items both you and your wallet will be lucky