Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Hot List

I am definitely taking notice to beaded chandeliers these days - I will be using one soon!

DIY - Race Car Lamp

I did this fun DIY project for a 3 year olds bedroom - It turned out perfect and look amazing on the trunk night table. 
Step 1 - Find a base lamp with an opening (I found mine at Target)
Step 2 - Stuff the lamp with accessories that match your theme - in this case we used 65 mini cars/planes as we were going with a transportation theme - remember have fun with it!
3. Top the base with an amazing shade and your good to go!
4. Don't forget the light bulb - but you already knew that!

My Project - 3 Year Old Bedroom

Here is a sneak peak of a 3 year old bedroom (complete with a Queen size bed) that I recently decorated. This room is neutral, filled with moustaches and air planes and completely transitional - its a forever room.
We did 2 DIYs to complete this bedroom
1.vintage air plane DIY "mobile" that hangs from the ceiling I love how it turned out such a focal point!
2. Race car filled lamp
Professional pictures soon!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Dreaming - Cottage Bedrooms

After a long week of stress going to the cottage guarentees an amazing sleep.
Some of my favourite bedroom cottage interiors. Do you agree?

White, Rustic and French = 3 words I LOVE

sweet, feminine cottage bedroom
Farm and Cozy
Cottage bedroom.  White+rustic=happiness <3
cottage #bedroom
cottage bedroom with exposed beams
Amazing cottage bedroom.
Industrial and Minimalistic

Feminine and Romantic
grown up pink bedroom
Pretty cottage room
white cottage bedroom
Cottage Bedroom
Canadian Inspired
I like the little nook above the bed.  Totally in love with the stuffed moose head!!!!